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Nutritional engagement
Guaranteeing the nutritional quality of our products is one of our main concerns when manufacturing our crackers. On this section we will keep you updated about all the nutritional aspects and our products.
- Natural ingredients
Quely biscuits are of a high nutritional value since they are made with the following natural ingredients:
Wheat flour, sunflower oil, yeast, olive oil and sea salt.
All nutritional guide books recommend consuming several daily rations of cereals or similar by products. One ration should contain cereals and 2 rations biscuits or similar products.
- Mediterranean Diet
Quely products are the ideal complement for following a Mediterranean diet. They provide an excellent balance due to their nutrients (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) and their energetic value is easily controlled since each Quely biscuit has approximately 44 kilo calories, meaning you can administrate the quantity you consume. They are ideal for light collations, on their own or combined with other foods: milk, yoghourts, cottage cheese, fruits, juices, jams or chocolate.
- Energetic value
The moderate consumption of our crackers is the perfect complement to our diet thanks to their energetic values.
A balanced or healthy diet should be varied, pleasant and sufficient. The carbohydrates which are energetic nutrients, must represent 60% of the total calories required in a balanced diet.
Around 30 grams of crackers provide 9% of the daily recommended value of carbohydrates, 6% of fats, 3% of proteins and 7% of kilocalories. Crackers provide a high energetic intake, this energy derives mostly from glucids (70%).
We could consider that crackers could perfectly cover the energetic values required for breakfast or an afternoon snack, making them an ideal product for children or teenagers. Glucids are also ideal for modulating the equilibrium of our metabolism, regulating the mechanisms of food ingestión, providing a sense of satiety as well as playing an important role in the learning process and memory functions.
It is very important to consume the adequate quantity of fibre. The World Health Organisation establishes that the minimum daily consumption should be around 25 grams per person. Those foods which are rich in fibre have a series of properties which are necessary for the correct functioning of our organism: optimizing hydration, regulating our intestinal transit and burning excess calories.