Quelitas crossing the Atlantic
Quely sponsors 5 adventurers in their attempt to cross the Atlantic rowing from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean.
On board of the Barracuda, a trimaran which is only about 7 metres in length, they will do their best to beat the world record of crossing the Atlantic rowing. The members of the crew are as follows : Captain Roy Finlay (Scotland), Mario Ludwig (Germany), Ernst Fiby (Austria), Mike Palmer (England) and last but not least Jaume Vallori (Mallorca), who will be the first person from the Balearic Islands who will attempt this challenge.
Quely sponsors this quest with all the Quely biscuits they need for the journey, going back to our roots since the Quely biscuits were originally known as boat biscuits as they were first baked over 150 years ago to meet the demands of the merchant fleets who were looking for a product that lasted longer than bread.
Those of you who may be interested in following their adventure may do so by clicking on the following link : www.atlanticrowingclub.com where every 12 hours the location of the boat and the weather conditions will be updated.
In order to beat the record they must reach their final destination within less than 31 days and 12 hours. We are convinced that our crackers will give them the necessary energy to do so.